2 Rash 2 Unadvised
The weekly read through of C.J. Cherryh's Award winning Cyteen. FULL of sentences that make sense. Recommended by Anamymous."I don't really have time for podcasts..." -Dr. Ada Palmer discussing the show. Approved by the Triumvirate on Spoilers.
2 Rash 2 Unadvised
Philosopher Kings: 25-29
Johnny says that things not being in the Iliad is a classic Iliad reference. Waweru says that you shouldn't disrupt established institutions without thinking good and hard about why a benevolent state might've put them in place. Liam suggests that the true lesson is that you should take vengeance upon your enemies by making them read the classics.
Restriction Until age 50 for the following:
Music of the Aeolian and Lydian modes
Discussion of the Myxolydian mode
Discussion of Sexual Assault
Discussion of un-Platonic modes of governance To follow along with our read through read the rest of the Philosopher Kings!